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2022 Northland Lacrosse Officials Independent Contractor form:
Northland LOA recruits, develops, and retains high quality boys lacrosse officials serving Minnesota and the surrounding states. We keep officials in the game by prioritizing the best interests of our officials and by having a member-driven, financially transparent organization. In order to maintain the integrity of the game and to protect the interests of NorthlandLOA officials, all officials are expected to: • Abide by NorthlandLOA's policies as described in the current Bylaws and Operating Policies. • Report problems involving men’s officials, coaches, players or fans, including all ejections, to the assigner and/or other responsible parties. • Pay all required fees and/or dues—which may include NorthlandLOA membership dues (for returning officials), training course fees (for people taking Level 1 and Level 2 training), and assigning fees (for officials working high school games)—by the due date. • Maintain current US Lacrosse membership and/or, if applicable, MSHSL membership. • Work only games appropriate to my level of training. • Officiate games only with other officials qualified to work at that level (which will be addressed by my assigner except for games not assigned through NorthlandLOA). • Understand that I am an independent contractor, which means I am not an employee of NorthlandLOA or its assigners nor of any league, association, or school. • Understand that NorthlandLOA does not guarantee a minimum number of game assignments, that it is my responsibility to determine if I need liability or other insurance beyond that provided by US Lacrosse, and that it is my responsibility to determine and make proper tax payments for my officiating income. • Support the work that has been done to establish fair standard fees by refusing to accept game fees below the rates negotiated or approved by the NorthlandLOA Executive Board. • Maintain a professional demeanor in all circumstances related to lacrosse regardless of my role (e.g., official, player, coach, spectator). This includes behavior such as: purchasing and wearing a proper uniform; not missing games (or contacting teams, partners, and/or assigners if an emergency arises); being on the field at least 20 minutes before game time; being respectful to coaches, players, and fans; and avoiding public criticism of other officials. • Avoid contact with coaches and ADs before and after games (except as needed to confirm game details). • Keep all interactions with coaches, players, athletic directors, and other people associated with teams I am officiating for positive. If I have concerns or issues with such people I will deal with it by reporting them through proper channels. • Make my assigners aware of any relationship with a team or those affiliated with a team that might be a real or perceived conflict of interest. • Request to be reassigned from (or simply not assigned to) games or teams where my impartiality might be compromised. Officials will be reassigned from these games without penalty. • Maintain a fitness level adequate for the games I work. (I understand that obtaining an appropriate physical examination from a physician is in my best interest and is strongly encouraged by NorthlandLOA.) • Finally, settle all disputes arising out of or in connection with this agreement and under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules. • Complete required annual classroom and on-field training for officials as described in the NorthlandLOA Operating Policies and maintain current concussion training certification as required by Minnesota state law. • Complete annual training as required in the NorthlandLOA Operating Policies on topics such as rules, mechanics, communication, game management, and/or field positioning.
By submitting this email, you are agreeing to the above criteria.